I create robust course “scopes and sequences” by strategically selecting and organizing units to facilitate comprehensive learning experiences.

Over the years, I have had many opportunities to be a part of the decision-making process in terms of creating new courses and revamping older ones. In this section I present two “scopes and sequences” that I have co-authored, highlighting my practical yet innovative approach to planning and developing high school ELA courses.

My Approach

When developing scopes and sequences for high school courses, I engage in a thorough analysis of academic standards, identifying key skills and knowledge that need to be addressed throughout the curriculum. I carefully plan the progression of units, considering factors such as pacing, complexity, and interrelated concepts. This involves strategic decision-making regarding the order in which units are introduced to optimize student learning and retention. Additionally, I carefully select texts and resources that align with the themes and objectives of each unit, ensuring relevance and engagement for students. Throughout this process, I remain mindful of the diverse needs and backgrounds of learners, aiming to create a curriculum that is inclusive and accessible to all.

Writing Philosophy

Philosophy of Scope and Sequence Creation

  • Analyze academic standards to identify key skills and knowledge for inclusion

  • Strategically plan the progression of units considering pacing, complexity, and interrelated concepts

  • Carefully select texts and resources aligned with unit themes and objectives

  • Ensure inclusivity and accessibility for diverse learners

  • Optimize student engagement and retention through thoughtful curriculum design



Assessment Development